Monday, March 29, 2010

SEO Techniques

Search engine optimization requires diligence and little knowledge of the market. People might regard optimization as a big problem and waste of money, but optimization is the only process which helps the website or business to reach your potential customer. Hence, it is very important to understand few key techniques about search engine optimization.

Site Submission
Try to submit your website in as many directories and search engines as possible. Search engines are your medium to travel to your visitors hence pay special attention towards these engines. Make sure your site is well indexed in major search engine. It's not necessary that you will be featured in the first pages of search engines but if you focus on other factors then later you can fetch a place in the first page.

Be Different
Don't be monotonous. SEO is all about knowing search engines and your visitors. Both of your targets love creativity and vitality. Whether it's your potential customer or search engines, both will come to you only when they find you different from the horde of other websites.

Reciprocal Links
Don't rely on one side link building; your link should be visible in all your exchanger's profile. Make sure your link should be exchanged properly and your links are visible.

Avoid Common Anchor Text
If you'll put same anchor text in every page then it can make you a spammer in search engine's eye. Have different anchor text and make sure you don't repeat this text inadvertently

Utilize All Tags
You have Meta tags to get the optimum benefit. Put your most important keyword in your title tag, keyword tag and description tag. These tags are the lenses through which the search engines judge your website. Try to focus more on title tags as these are the tags which are indexed in search engines and reviewed by users.

Install Site Map
Site map is the most important step towards achieving a well optimized site. Site map enables search engines to know about your website. A well crafted site map helps your users to navigate easily within your website.

Avoid Link Farm
Link farms are the link building farms which guarantee you to give thousands of links instantly. Try not to depend solely on link farms exchange links directly with the websites. This gives you the idea about the site and whether the particular link exchange will work for you or not.

Work On Content
In website jargon it is said that content is the king and hence it should be given a royal treatment. Your content should be distinct and relevant. Unique content increases your chances to attain a top PR in major search engines.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Speed Up Your Browsing

Internet Explorer Instructions:
Step 1 : Click on the "Start" button and select "Run."
Step 2 : Type "Regedit" and press enter. This will take you to the editing program for the Windows Registry
Step 3 : Use the file menu on the left side of the window to find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings." Left click the "Internet Settings" folder once to highlight it.
Step 4 : In the main window, you may see two items titled "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server." If they are not listed, you must create them. Do this by right clicking inside the main window, selecting "New" and then "DWORD Value." Name this first value "MaxConnectionsPerServer." Use the same process to create "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server."
Step 5 : Double click "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and set the value to 14. If you're using a dial-up connection, set it instead to 6.
Step 6 : Repeat this process for "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server."
Step 7 : Close the registry editor and launch Internet Explorer for the changes to take effect.
Mozilla Firefor Instructions:
In the URL bar, type about:config and press enter. This will bring up the configuration menu where you can change the parameters of Firefox.
Double Click on the following settings and put in the numbers below - for the true / false booleans - theyll change when you double click.
Find these one by one and do the changes as mentioned below
browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs true
network.http.max-connections 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server 4
network.http.pipelining true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining true
network.http.request.timeout 300
One more thing Right-click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW -> Integer.
Name it nglayout.initialpaint.delay and set its value to 0.
Now you should notice youre loading pages MUCH faster now!
Opera Instructions: Some ways to increase Opera’s performance and browsing speed :
Delete Private Data : Go to Tools and click on Delete private data.Next click on details and check the all the boxes except Delete cookies and Clear all wand passwords.
Blocking Flash Images: Just right click on the flash image and block it for a particular web page but if you want to permanently switch off the flash view of that web site then go to Tools –> Preferences –>Advanced –> Blocked content
Minimize effect – Go to tools and then Appearance,a dialog box opens.Click on the toolbar tab an uncheck the options which you use rarely.Turn off the progress bar or make it simple.
No icons and favicons – Go to tools –> preference,click on advanced and then browsing.Drop the page icon menu to Show no icon.Click on Ok.Remember every small tweaks helps a lot.
Show web pages faster : Go to tools –> preference and click on advanced tab.Next click on browsing and Drop down the loading menu to Redraw Instantly.This will make Opera to get the web page faster and increases browsing speed.
Uncheck Tooltip option - When you hover on Web pages which contains some links, Opera displays small tooltips that add information about the element. If you do not want to see them then go to Tools,preference and click on Advanced.Go to browsing tab to uncheck Show Tool tips.
Reduce the amount of visited pages in history : Opera keeps a track of last visited pages in the form of History. This history keeps increasing whenever you browser more and more pages.To reduce the history of web pages visited,you can go to Tools –> Preferences –> advanced –>history and reduce the addresses to 100 or 200.
Remove unnecessary plugins: To display all the plugins which are installed in the Opera browser,just go to address bar and type this opera:plugins.To deactivate unnecessary plugin you have to go to your main Opera directory and find plugin-ignore.ini.Open it and place the plugin name which you want to disable.